Friday, March 30, 2012

Sub Vs. Dub. WHY does it matter?

No, really. I get that some people have their preferences. I understand sometimes the casting can be horrible (David Moo, anybody?) but I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people have to tell others that their opinion is wrong. Why can't people have their own opinions? I'm not saying you can't discuss it, or anything of the sort. But if someone has to bash a dub as soon as someone mentions something, well, Huston, we have a problem.

So, why do some people stick to subs like anything else would be devil worship? Well.. Lets go through a list, i guess...

1.) Most characters are in Japanese, why would you change it?
     And why not change it? Things are broadcast across the world in different languages EVERY DAY. That episode of Game of Thrones you've been watching? Yeah, probably broadcast in Japanese, on Japanese programming. Why? You get a bigger audience.  Which, brings me to the next one..

2.) People who refuse to read subtitles are lazy.

   I will grant you... Sometimes. However, there could be more at play. Maybe its as simple as they are mulit-tasking. It could also be things like dyslexia or another disability at play. Heck, even if someone was just being lazy and didn't feel like reading subtitles after having a long day or even just being lazy.. Who am i to judge? Sometimes dubs can be on par with subtitles. I can feel the sub snobs melting as i type this..

3.) You will be missing out on so and so voice actor/actress!!!

   And the sad part is, if you rely solely on Japanese language works, you are missing out on a lot of really good dubs and voice actors as well. I know it sounds corny to say this, but most voice actors here REALLY have to love their job to keep at it. They need second jobs. Voice acting will not bring them a great paycheck.  Which brings me to..

4.) Anime would be cheaper if they didn't have to dub it!

   I call bullshit. Have you seen some of the box sets anime companies have brought out lately? They are around the same price, if not more expensive ($69 for Anohana that is about to come out, Working! boxset was around $75 i believe.). Also, this gives Japanese companies the chance to cut out the middle man and start importing anime all on their own. You know what that means? Japanese pricing. We do NOT want that. The pricing is so bad in Japan that a lot of fans wait till it comes out in the US before picking up their copies... Yes, its cheaper for THEM to get our releases than the other way around. Kind of messed up, right?

Now, i'm not saying this doesn't ever happen on the other end. There are also people who are hardcore into dubs and will not even take a chance if something isn't dubbed or on TV. That is also sad. I wish people would be more open to things and at least TRY and not bash someone elses opinion because it is not their own. Its okay to not actively search out or watch dubs or subs. It is not okay to tell someone else how they should feel on something, specially something they have their own opinion on. Its also not okay to make people feel like poo for not believing the same way you do.

And another Stacy ramble has been done! :)